Great Activities You Can Do with Your Family This Holiday Season!

Between the presents, the special occasion clothes and the food and beverages, the Christmas season can get crazy before you even factor in the fact of school vacation — how are you going to keep the kids busy for two whole weeks? If you’re wondering how you’re going to keep your family entertained for this holiday season, then it’s time to take a minute and get creative. Here are the top 10 itesm on our list for spending precious Holiday time with the family and making some great memories!
1 - Make Gingerbread Houses
2 - Holiday Lights Tour
3 - Holiday Family Movie Night
4 - Make Popcorn & Cranberry Garland
5 - Red & Green Paper Chains for Decorating
6 - Go Caroling!
7 - Make Ornaments
8 - Find Gently Used Toys/Items and Donate Them to a Local Shelter
9 - Make Paper Snowflakes
10 - Roast Marshmallows and Chestnuts by the Fire
Xo, Evey & Alicen
Posted on November 09 2019